Rendering 2021 - DL-only Track
Permanent URI for this collection
Saarbrücken, Germany & Virtual | 29 June – 2 July 2021
(Rendering 2021 CGF papers are available here.)
(Rendering 2021 CGF papers are available here.)
Neural Rendering
NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures
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Zero-variance Transmittance Estimation
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Stochastic Generation of (t, s) Sample Sequences
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Sampling Clear Sky Models using Truncated Gaussian Mixtures
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Importance Sampling of Glittering BSDFs based on Finite Mixture Distributions
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Practical Product Sampling for Single Scattering in Media
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Image and Video Editing
Semantic-Aware Generative Approach for Image Inpainting
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Differentiable Rendering
Material and Lighting Reconstruction for Complex Indoor Scenes with Texture-space
Differentiable Rendering
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Appearance-Driven Automatic 3D Model Simplification
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High Performance Rendering
Fast Polygonal Splatting using Directional Kernel Difference
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Fast Analytic Soft Shadows from Area Lights
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Path Tracing, Monte Carlo Rendering
Firefly Removal in Monte Carlo Rendering with Adaptive Median of meaNs
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Material Models
Practical Ply-Based Appearance Modeling for Knitted Fabrics
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MatMorpher: A Morphing Operator for SVBRDFs
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Faces and Body
NeLF: Neural Light-transport Field for Portrait View Synthesis and Relighting
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Single-image Full-body Human Relighting
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Human Hair Inverse Rendering using Multi-View Photometric data
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A Low-Dimensional Perceptual Space for Intuitive BRDF Editing
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Modeling Surround-aware Contrast Sensitivity
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Spectral Rendering
Moment-based Constrained Spectral Uplifting
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A Compact Representation for Fluorescent Spectral Data
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