EGPGV15: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
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Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, May 25 – 26, 2015
Efficient Representations
Large-Scale Parallel Visualization of Particle-Based Simulations using Point Sprites and
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Memory-Efficient On-The-Fly Voxelization of Particle Data
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Visualization of 2DWave Propagation by Huygens' Principle
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Visualization Showcase: General-Relativistic Black Hole Visualization
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Parallel Rendering
SIMD Parallel Ray Tracing of Homogeneous Polyhedral Grids
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Packet-Oriented Streamline Tracing on Modern SIMD Architectures
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Volume Rendering Via Data-Parallel Primitives
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Visualization of High-Resolution Weather Model Data
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Improved Algorithms
TOD-Tree: Task-Overlapped Direct send Tree Image Compositing for Hybrid MPI Parallelism
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Contour Tree Depth Images For Large Data Visualization
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Out-of-Core Framework for QEM-based Mesh Simplification
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Visualizing Groundwater Flow Through Karst Limestone
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