A Complete Workflow From the Data Collection on the Field to the Deployment of a Virtual Museum: the Case of Virtual Sarmizegetusa
Antal, Adriana
Bota, Emilian
Ciongradi, Carmen
D'Annibale, Enzo
Demetrescu, Emanuel
Dima, Cristian
Fanini, Bruno
Ferdani, Daniele
Bota, Emilian
Ciongradi, Carmen
D'Annibale, Enzo
Demetrescu, Emanuel
Dima, Cristian
Fanini, Bruno
Ferdani, Daniele
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The Eurographics Association
This paper presents the first installation produced with the data collected on the ancient roman city of Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa: it can be considered a concrete example of a full workflow, from photogrammetric 3D acquisition to gaming experience, able to contribute to the community of experts in the domain of virtual museum. The visualization of enormous archaeological contexts like a whole ancient city has been a test bed to develop tools and methodologies in order to create and maintain accurate and fully real-time enabled 3D models. In the temporary exhibition, open until 30 September 2016, a multimedia installation based on "natural interaction" solutions was set up: thanks to Kinect and Leap-Motion sensors visitors can interact with virtual environments and objects, using gestures to experience a more engaging and intuitive experience.
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage},
editor = {Chiara Eva Catalano and Livio De Luca},
title = {{A Complete Workflow From the Data Collection on the Field to the Deployment of a Virtual Museum: the Case of Virtual Sarmizegetusa}},
author = {Antal, Adriana and Bota, Emilian and Ciongradi, Carmen and D'Annibale, Enzo and Demetrescu, Emanuel and Dima, Cristian and Fanini, Bruno and Ferdani, Daniele},
year = {2016},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {2312-6124},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-011-6},
DOI = {10.2312/gch.20161386}